Matthew Perry MD BSc FRCS(Urol)
Matthew was appointed as a Consultant Urological Surgeon to St George's Hospital in 2005. He was invited to set up the robotic cystectomy service at the Royal Surrey County Hospital Guildford in 2013 and moved his full NHS practice to Guildford in 2016.
Matthew, a Londoner, went to Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School before qualifying in 1993. He gained his MD for research into Cancer Vaccines for prostate cancer in 2002.
He is a pelvic cancer specialist, providing surgical services for complex pelvic cancer. He specialises in Robotic surgery for the treatment of prostate and bladder cancer. Matthew introduced narrow band imaging for the early detection and management of superficial bladder cancer and introduced the robotic cystectomy programme enabling safer surgery with a shorter length of stay and lower complication rate at both St George's and the Royal Surrey Hospitals.
Matthew is an adviser to Cancer Research UK charity and a Trustee of the Prostate Project charity.

Urological Pelvic Cancer
Prostate cancer is the leading cancer in the UK with 47,000 men receiving the diagnosis each year and over 11,000 men dying from the disease. Earlier diagnosis and treatment can lead to cure and prolonged life expectancy.
Bladder cancer affects about 10,000 Britons per year but has a high potential for eradication if caught at an early stage. If diagnosed with invasive cancer, cure can also be achieved in over half of patients but aggressive treatments may need to be considered.

Robotic Surgery
Matthew has over 18 years of experience with the Da Vinci robot with thousands of operations in his portfolio. His vast experience and continuing desire to improve has lead to greater outcomes for his patients.
The Urology department at the Royal Surrey Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is a recognised ERUS (European Robotic Urology Society) Training centre and with Matthew's mentorship and education, has produced Consultant Robotic Surgeons for cities as diverse as Melbourne, Luxembourg, Chicago, Guildford and Dublin.